Sports Massage £40 per 45 mins/ £50 per hour 

It is proven to be a highly effective way of dealing with physiological problems and pain resulting from exercise. It's the reason why so many sports and fitness enthusiasts consider sports massage to be an essential part of their health regime. To perform at their peak, it's vital to care for their muscles and other soft tissue. However, sports massage is not just for athletes, but for anyone with tension and general aches and pains.  
Those with more sedentary life-style can also benefit from having a regular sports massage. It releases tension that accumulates in the muscles and helps to improve the body’s flexibility. 
Sports massage uses certain tissue techniques to mobilise and manipulate muscles and other soft tissue. It is ideal for acute injuries like ligament sprain or muscle strain but also for chronic, long-lasting problems such as repetitive strain injuries, tennis or golfers elbows, rotator cuff injuries, back pain and several postural dysfunctions. 
Its main purpose is: 
Prevent injuries or long-term damage to muscles and joints 
Enhance training performance 
Speed up healing & recovery from injury 
Relieve pain 
Maintain physical health 
Firm, vigorous pressure is applied, concentrating on the area of problem or discomfort. In order to release “knots” and “crunchiness” from the muscles, the therapist usually using hands, knuckles, elbow or forearm. 
It is normal to feel tenderness or soreness during and after the sports massage. Most people describe it as if they experience a muscle ache after a good workout. This occurs when muscles release all toxins and waste products which were stuck inside them. Drinking plenty of water after sports massage is important to flush it all out rather than re-absorb again into the muscles. 

Deep Tissue Massage £40 per 45 mins/ £50 per hour 

Deep tissue massage is designed to help with tension and aches. It is much more thorough and, as the name suggests, it uses a deeper pressure to gradually reach more layers of muscles – peeling them like an onion and unravelling the deeply rooted source of the pain.  
Deep tissue massage is very effective in treating problems related to poor posture, overuse, chronic pains and repetitive injuries. 
Its main purpose is: 
Helps to refresh and relax muscles by eliminating tension 
Increases the blood flow so oxygen flows freer in the body 
Gets rid of the toxins 
Helps the muscles to heal faster after the injury 
Breaks down the scar tissue and helps to recover faster after hard workouts 
Many chronic conditions like back pain, stiff neck, sore shoulders or tight hip muscles can easily be improved with deep tissue massage. By releasing the tightness in soft tissues and facilitating a healing process it forces the body to correct the problem which has been present for a long time. It also works on creating a new, healthy muscle memory. Deep Tissue Massage is also beneficial in reducing pain in conditions like whiplash or sciatica. It calms the central nervous system, reduces muscle spasm and teaches the body to move in the correct way. 
Deep tissue massage is also one of the most successful and widely used methods for the treatment and management of stress. Along with reducing the likelihood of stress-related injury or illness, it has a powerful energising effect on both mind and body. It is also effective in the treatment of conditions aggravated by stress, such as asthma or insomnia. Its ability to drain the excess build-up of fluid from the muscles results in improved circulation and mobility. This is particularly important when recovering from injuries, surgeries and during pregnancy. 

Feel free to contact me today 

For an initial chat to see how I can help you please contact me using the information below or use the online contact form.  
Call: 07506 719587 
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