I always knew that I would end up in a healing role but it took me a while to realise that massage was my calling.  

The pivotal moment came when I had to seek non medicinal help while I was pregnant for sciatica. Due to not wanting to take ‘over the counter’ pain relief, I looked at alternative/complementary medicine. I chanced upon meeting an amazing sports massage therapist who after the first session had reduced the amount of pain I was in considerably, he also gave me great advice in terms of what I could be doing at home to self-care. After a few sessions I was totally pain free.  
Two weeks later, I booked my first massage course and have never looked back since. Working previously in the sports industry, I’ve been involved in sport and around athletes for many years. I am also a very active person and exercise daily, so understand the importance of being injury/pain free. 

I treat each client with the respect and care that they deserve. 

To hone my massage skills I worked in a luxury health and wellness retreat, treating a wide range of clients from athletes to fitness fanatics to clients with back issues from being hunched over a computer for hours every day. I now work primarily from home in my new converted treatment room and from The Wellness Rooms, The Manor, Tur Langton. I have a real passion for improving client’s wellbeing and believe that anyone can benefit from massage: whether it’s for pain relief, eliminating tension, speed up healing and recovery from injury or maintain physical health. I treat each client with the respect and care that they deserve and help them attain their end result by using a vast array of skills, techniques and experience. 

From "being there" myself through to training and honing my skills I am able to offer a professional massage therapy service to my clients.  I am fully qualified and insured and work on an appointment only basis. 

I am fortunate to be the Chairperson and therapist for a local charity called Harborough Cancer Support Group (HCSG). Founded in April 2019, we were inspired to start the group as it is evident that there are limited resources in the local area, for local people, affected by cancer. The group runs twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month and is based at the Market Harborough Methodist Church, from 9.30am to 12pm 
Our aims are: 
-To provide a relaxed and friendly environment where local people affected by cancer, whether recently diagnosed, undergoing treatment, in remission, or a caregiver can meet other local people in a similar situation. 
-To a provide in particular, but not exclusively, 
-A drop in group for a coffee and a chat. 
-Complementary therapies such as massage, reflexology, Indian head massage and reiki. 
-Access to one to one counselling. 
-Talks with guest speakers covering everything from nutrition, gardening and mindfulness. 
The services that we offer are provided by volunteers and funded entirely through the generosity of donations from corporate and individual supporters and through fundraising. If you would like to donate or help raise funds or volunteer as a therapist at one of our sessions, please email me - info@hcsg.org.uk 

Feel free to contact me today 

For an initial chat to see how I can help you please contact me using the information below or use the online contact form.  
Call: 07506 719587 
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